Easy pancakes
Preparation time: 5 – 10 minutes Servings: 12 – 15 pancakes
Cook time: 2 minutes/each Total Time: 80 minutes
Difficulty: easy
230g/0.5lb plain flour
2 teaspoons granulated or caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
570ml/1pint milk
veg oil or a lard
jam, yogurt for topping
How to make it:
Get a large bowl. Add all your ingredients in and stir (you can use a hand mixer if you like) until thin smooth batter, then leave it to rest for at least 20 minutes.
Then prepare your frying pan. Add 2 tablespoons of veg oil or lard and heat the pan over moderate heat.
When it’s ready, use a soup ladle and pour the batter into the pan. Tilt the pan so that the batter can spread out at the bottom in an equally thick layer.
Then cook it for around 1 minute until soft brown. After that flip it over (use a spatula) and leave it for another 40 seconds. Usually, you need a little more time for the first couple of pancakes. Repeat the process to make around 12 – 15 pancakes – if you use a 24cm large pan. Add some oil or lard when necessary.
Best to serve when they are still hot. Spread some jam on the pancake. If it is too sweet you can combine the jam with some white yogurt and add small pieces of fruit like strawberries, raspberries, etc.
And that is all. Easy, isn’t it?
Enjoy your meal and see you soon.
If you are interested in this recipe you can watch it on my youtube channel…