Czech Potato Salad

Czech Potato Salad

Bramborový Salát

is one of the most popular foods at the Czech Christmas tables usually being served as a side dish with fried fish (carp), pork schnitzel or using as an enclosure  with Czech Open Face Sandwiches… You can find many variations  but I prefer this one with no vinegar recipe…


1.5kg/3.3lb  Baby potatoes (They are the best taste.)

2 Large Onions (white)

450g/1lb  Pickled gherkins (in sweetened vinegar. I use some German one’s from local Lidl.

             I heard that US one’s are rather sweet.)

3 – 5 Eggs ( depending up to the user’s taste)

3 pieces of Roasted red peppers (in sweetened vinegar)

220g/0.5lb Garden Peas (tinned in water)

450g/1lb  Mayonnaise

4 tablespoons Tomato Ketchup

4  tablespoons  Mustard

½ teaspoon  Crushed black pepper

Salt (as required)

For people who like to experiment – you may try to add  some tinned carrot, corn, ham or hard sausage.


  1. First put the potatoes in a pot. Don´t peel it. Boil it with the skin first. Then leave it  to cool down before you take the skin off.
  2. Boil the eggs for around 10 minutes to make them hard. If you are using frozen peas boil it gently as well.
  3. Dice the potatoes, finely chop the onions, eggs, gherkins and roasted paprika and put them in a big bowl.
  4. Add all other ingredients and mix  everything gently together.
  5. You are nearly finish. Just check the taste and add some salt or anything else as required.
  6. Now it is best to put our potato salad to the fridge overnight to get a best taste.


And that´s it.

Enjoy your meal!

My girlfriend loves to eat this potato salad just with a Frech baguette or some white bread and a slice of cheese.

Ok. This was my first post and I hope you liked it.

See you later.

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