The yeast spread – Drožďová pomazánka

Saturday morning… I was preparing a breakfast but that day I wanted to make something less usual and when I found the last piece of a fresh yeast (actually it was not so fresh… out of date couple days ago). So I decided make a yeast spread. It is very simple, fast and quite healthy recipe as well… So I hope you will like it.
Preparation time: 5 minutes Servings: 4 – 6
Cook time: 15 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes
60g/2.1oz fresh yeast
1 medium size onion (around 140g/5oz)
4 tablespoon breadcrumbs
3 eggs
6 tablespoon olive oil
pinch of dry marjoram (If you don´t have it you can use oregano)
pinch of cumin
pinch of salt
tomato and paprika to decorate
- Prepare a small pot, add the oil, finely chopped onion and fry them (you can also add finely chopped peppers for change) between 5-10 minutes.
- Then add the crumbled fresh yeast. Mix it together and wait until the yeast will melt down.
- Stir whole time… Now add the breadcrumbs, eggs, herbs. Add the salt as much as it needs… And that´s it all.. Enjoy your breakfast.
Serve hot or cold smeared on bread, with cucumber, paprika, tomato, iceberg or with many other variations of vegetables. It really depends on your imagination only.